Atsuyoshi Kita, Hideki Aoyama and Tadahiro Taniguchi ,
“SPPP : Stochastic penalty path planning for MAPF under conditions of uncertain travel time,”
The 25th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA2024), pp. 87-93, Kyoto, 20 Nov. 2024.
Shiyao Ding, Hideki Aoyama, Donghui Lin, and Fumito Uwano
“Drone Routing Problems Challenge,”
The 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS2024), Auckland, New Zealand, 9 May 2024.
Shiyao Ding, Hideki Aoyama, and Donghui Lin,
“MARL4DRP: Benchmarking Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Drone Routing Problems,”
20th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI2023), pp. 459-465, Jakarta, Indonesia, 18 Nov. 2023.
Hideki Aoyama, Atuyoshi Kita, Shiyao Ding, and Donghui Lin,
“Drone Routing Problem: Multi-agent Path Finding Problem for Safe and Efficient Last-mile Delivery,”
Last-Mile Robotics Workshop on International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2023), Detroit, Michigan, USA, 1 Oct. 2023.
Shiyao Ding, Hideki Aoyama, and Donghui Lin,
“Combining Multiagent Reinforcement Learning and Search Method for Drone Delivery on a Non-Grid Graph,”
20th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS), pp. 112-126, L'Aquila, Italy, 13 Jul. 2022.
Shiyao Ding, Hideki Aoyama, and Donghui Lin,
“Non-Grid Multiagent Pathfinding via Combining Learning-based Method and Search-based Method,”
The 36th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI2022), 1S1-IS-3-02, Kyoto, Japan, 14 Jun. 2022.
Shiyao Ding, Hideki Aoyama, and Donghui Lin,
“Combining Multiagent Reinforcement Learning and Discrete Event Modeling for Pathfinding on a Non-Grid Graph,”
IEICE Technical Report, vol. 121, no. 157, SC2021-13, pp.13-17, Online, 27 Aug. 2021.
Hideki Aoyama, and Mitsuaki Oshima,
“Mirror Pulse Modulation for Image Sensor-based Optical Wireless Communication,”
2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Online (Montreal, Canada), 17 Jun. 2021.
青山 秀紀, 大嶋 光昭,
““LinkRay” スマートフォンのカメラを用いた可視光通信,”
光技術コンタクト, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 32-39, May 2019.
Hideki Aoyama, and Mitsuaki Oshima,
“Line scan sampling for visible light communication: Theory and practice,”
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC),
pp. 5060-5065, London, UK, 9 Jun. 2015.
Hideki Aoyama, and Mitsuaki Oshima,
“Visible light communication using a conventional image sensor,”
12th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC),
pp. 103-108, Las Vegas, USA, 10 Jan. 2015.
Hideki Aoyama, Kazuaki Kondo, and Yuichi Nakamura ,
“Interaction Carving: Dynamic Interaction Configuration for User Oriented Support,”
11th Association of Pacific Rim Universities Doctoral Students Conference (APRU DSC), Depok, Indonesia, Jul. 2010.
Zhiwen Yu, Zhiyong Yu, Hideki Aoyama, Motoyuki Ozeki, and Yuich Nakamura,
“Capture, Recognition, and Visualization of Human Semantic Interactions in Meetings,”
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), pp. 107-115, Mannheim, Germany, 31 Mar. 2010.
Hideki Aoyama, Motoyuki Ozeki, and Yuichi Nakamura ,
“Smart Cooking Support System based on Interaction Reproducing Model,”
Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2009 Workshop on Multimedia for Cooking and Eating Activities (CEA2009), pp. 39-45, Beijing, China, 23 Oct. 2009.
青山 秀紀, 尾関 基行, 中村 裕一,
電子情報通信学会論文誌, vol. J92-D, no. 8, pp. 1317-1328, Aug. 2009.
Hideki Aoyama, Motoyuki Ozeki, and Yuichi Nakamura ,
“Interaction Reproducing Model for Adapating Intelligent Tutoring Systems to Internal State,”
International Conference on Multimedia and Information and Communication Technologies in Education, pp. 766-770, Lisbon, Portugal, 23 Apr. 2009.
Hideki Aoyama, Motoyuki Ozeki, and Yuichi Nakamura ,
“Interaction Reproducing Model: A Model for Giving Appropriate Supports to User State,”
Advances in Multimedia Information Processing: 9th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), pp. 426-435, Tainan, Taiwan, 11 Dec. 2008.
Zhiwen Yu, Hideki Aoyama, Motoyuki Ozeki, and Yuichi Nakamura ,
“Collaborative Capturing and Detection of Human Interactions in Meetings,”
Adjunct Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing (PerCom), pp. 65-69, Sydney, Australia, 19-22 May 2008.
Motoyuki Ozeki, Yasushi Miyata, Hideki Aoyama, and Yuichi Nakamura ,
“Human Support Improvements by Natural Man-Machine Collaboration -- Object recognition through interactions with an artificial agent --,”
Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Human-Centered Multimedia (HCM), pp. 95-101, Bavaria, Germany, 28 Sept. 2007.